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meluncur pergi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "meluncur pergi"
  • meluncur:    chute; chuted; chuting; coast; coasted; coasting;
  • pergi:    away; buzzed off; exit; exited; fare forth; fared
  • meluncur:    chute; chuted; chuting; coast; coasted; coasting; glide; glided; gliding; lifted off; on glide; rocket; roll along; rolled along; skate; skated; skating; skid; skidded; skidding; slid; slide; slidin
  • pergi:    away; buzzed off; exit; exited; fare forth; fared forth; faring forth; go; go to; going; gone; gone away; gone forth; kite; kiting; left; piss off; pissed off; pissing off; ran along; run along; run
  • pergi!:    be off with you!
  • alat meluncur:    roller skating equipment
  • meluncur (roket):    blast off; blasted off; blasting off
  • meluncur bebas:    free-wheel; free-wheeled; free-wheeling
  • meluncur cepat:    hurtled; hurtling; kited along; kiting along
  • meluncur menubruk:    slid into; slide into; slided into; sliding into
  • meluncur turun:    race down; raced down; racing down
  • terbang meluncur:    gliding flight
  • meluncur dengan cepat:    barrel along; bowl along; bowled along; bowling along; hurtle; kite along
  • meluncur ke bawah:    slid down; slide down; slided down; sliding down; sink
  • meluncur ke udara:    flew into the air
  • Once Slocombe drove off, how'd he get back?
    Setelah Slocombe meluncur pergi, bagaimana dia kembali?
  • How many times have you been chopping food only to have your cutting board slip and slide away from you? Not only is it annoying but can be dangerous as well - sharp knives and sliding cutting boards are not a good combination.
    Berapa banyak kali telah Anda telah memotong makanan hanya untuk memiliki talenan Anda tergelincir dan meluncur pergi dari Anda? Tidak hanya itu menjengkelkan tetapi bisa berbahaya-pisau-pisau tajam dan geser talenan yang tidak baik kombinasi.